Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Hello today i am going to explain about the basics of electrical machines 
i.e Dc machines 
Ac machines 

What ever it may be this is the important basic principle

Introduction To Electromechanical Energy Conversion :

Simply we know that
“Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed”. We can only change its forms, using
appropriate energy-conversion processes.
An interesting aspect about the energy in “Electrical form” is that neither it is so available
directly from nature nor it is required to be finally consumed in
that form. Still, it is the most popular form of Energy, since it
can be transported at remoteLoad-locations, for optimum utilization of resources. Further, technological progress has now made it possible to device Electrical-Power-modulation systems so flexible and controllable that modern systems
tend to be energy-efficient, with increase in life-span of main equipment and the associated
 auxiliary components
(like switches, connecting cables, contactors, etc.)

since it is now possible to avoid overstrain (= over-currents or over-voltage) on the system. This means a lot for the total production process (for which electrical energy is being used) since the quality of theproduction improves, and plant-maintenance is minimal. Energy-conversion systems then assume still higher importance.

Energy conversion takes place between well known pairs of forms of Energy:
Electrical ↔Chemical,
Electrical ↔ Thermal,
Electrical ↔ Optical,
Electrical ↔ Sound,
 and Electrical ↔Mechanical
are the common forms with numerous varieties of engineering - applications.
 Electrical↔ mechanical conversion is the focus of discussion for our study.
The elements of electro-mechanical energy conversion shall deal with basic principles and
systems dealing with this aspect. Purpose of the study is to have a general approach to understand
to design, and later to modify the system with the help of modern technologies, for overall
It is necessary to be aware about:
(a) basic conditions to be fulfilled by the conversion system.
(b) methods for innovating the conversion systems.
Electromechanical energy-conversion finds applications in following categories of systems:
(a) transducers: Devices for obtaining signals for measurement / control,
(b) force-producing devices: Solenoid-actuators, relays, electromagnets,
(c) devices for continuous-energy-conversion: Motors / Generators

Let we see an example for electromechanical energy conversion

See this is a generator we can see this in 
Our surroundings 

Here in the generator the mechanical energy is converted in the electrical energy 

We can discuss about the generators in next posts

If you have any doubts, please feel free to comment below.