Friday, October 28, 2016

Preference Of Electrical Energy

Preference Of Electrical Energy

need of electrical energy

Energy is vital for all living-beings on earth. Modern life-style has further increased its
importance, since a faster life means faster transport, faster communication, and faster manufacturing
processes. All these lead to an increase in energy required for all those modern systems.
Arising out of comparison of status of nations, the progress is related in terms of per capita
consumption of electrical energy (i.e. kWH consumed per person per year). At present, this parameter
for India is about 300, for UK it is 12 to 15 times more, and for USA, it is about 30 times more.
It simply means that Electrical energy is the most popular form of energy, whether we require
it in the usable thermal form (= heating applications), in mechanical form (= electrical motor￾applications in Industries), for lighting purposes (= illumination systems), or for transportation systems.
Following are the main reasons for its popularity.

1. Cleaner environments for user
2. Higher efficiency
3. Better controllability
4. Easier bulk-power, long-distance transportation of power using overhead transmission or
underground cables
5. Most versatile devices of energy conversions from Electrical to other forms are available for
different purposes, such as thermal, illumination, mechanical, sound, chemical, etc.